Due to the shortage of face masks Collision Repair Tools LLC has partnered with a manufacturer that's producing antibacterial based material washable masks for various industries. At this time when we need to conserve surgical / dust masks for first responders, we provide a viable option for nose and mouth coverage. Since a major of Robaina's products are manufactured in Italy we recognize our Italian partners in their time of need. A percentage of the proceeds from these masks will be given to our Italian small business partners to help support their employees.
As the news and the affects around the world are recorded, the last few weeks have been an extraordinary challenge for all of us. We sincerely hope your team, coworkers, family and friends are safe and healthy. As the world continues to adjust and deal with the challenges, we’re pleased to see the togetherness and willingness to fight this. Our goal is to help provide another option that may aid in keeping people safe and providing many of us with much needed peace-of-mind. This washable / reusable mask is made of anti-microbial fabric and water-based inks. These face masks serve as an easy to wear protective layer, designed for comfort.
Note: Product is not intended to be a surgical mask or medical respirator.
Proudly made with care in the USA.
One size fits all
- Aluminum Panel Repair
- ASTRA® frame machines, measuring and lift systems
- Basic Panel Repair Kits
- Curing & Drying
- Dent Repair - Steel Panel Repair
- FAN welders
- Glue Pull Dent Repair Systems
- LED lights
- Must Have Dent Repair Tools
- Paint Prep and Detailing Products
- Paint Thickness Gauge
- PDR - paintless dent removal tools
- Plastic / Bumper Repair
- Pulling Clamps & Accessories
- Riveting (SPR / Blind / Flow Form) & Bonding Products
- Sanding & Dust Extraction
- Sonic Tools
- Welders (MIG/MAG/Brazing & Spot)
Product Types
- Unknown Type
- Accessories
- Carts
- Consumables
- Curing / Drying
- Dent Repair
- face mask
- frame machine
- Glass Removal Tools
- Hand Tools
- Heat Gun
- Jump Starter
- LED lights
- Lift
- measuring system
- Panel Repair Systems (Aluminum)
- Panel Repair Systems (for STEEL)
- Part Stands
- PDR hand tools
- Rivet Gun
- T-Shirt
- Tools
- Vacuum Sanding Solutions
- Vacuum System
- Welding